Planning Your Procedure
It is important to know in advance of your procedure what to expect and what preparations you need to make. Dr. Coleman and his staff will assist you every step of the way.
Medical Preparations
Depending on the procedure, Dr. Coleman or a member of his staff will inform you of any preparations you need to make before your surgery (e.g., not eating for 24 hours prior to admission, use of medications, etc.). It is important to follow these instructions completely.
Keep in mind that when you are asked to stop eating or drinking before a procedure that you are also to refrain from drinking water, eating hard candy or chewing gum. Until the time you are to stop eating and drinking, drink extra water or juice to ensure you will not become dehydrated.
Personal Preparation
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing to the surgery center or hospital and shower or bathe prior to coming. Please do not wear any makeup, nail polish or jewelry because it may cause complications during your procedure. Artificial nails are acceptable, but all polish must be removed. If you wear contact lenses, bring your lens container and solution. You may not wear contacts during your procedure. We recommend you instead wear glasses to the surgery center or hospital.
Please don't hesitate to ask Dr. Coleman or his staff about any questions you may have about prooperly preparing for your procedure. Our goal is to provide every patient with a treatment therapy designed to address his or her specific cosmetic, reconstructive, or hand surgery needs safely, reliably, and with a minimum of downtime.